I never quite understood the massive hard-on programmers have for splitting hairs.
I never quite understood the massive hard-on programmers have for splitting hairs.
I can see exactly one use case: context-aware OCR of code.
Late 80s. Little kid me got picked up from school but dad still had work to do, so I join him at work. He notices I’m bored. Sits me in front of a terminal to their Unix mainframe, opens up Pico. I type in stuff there, happy as a clam. Good times.
OnlyOffice is certainly more mature as a hosted app. It was born like this, the desktop version was the port. LibreOffice Online is still beta, I think.
So if your interest is in hosting and online editing, OnlyOffice. Also has an interface that’s very similar to MS Office 365, which can be a pro or con to some. LibreOffice has a more traditional toolbar paradigm.
You can try both before string up a server to see what you prefer. They’re both copyleft so no chance of a rug pull.
So like OnlyOffice and LibreOffice Online?
Edit: to clarify: both of these products can be self hosted. OnlyOffice’s main business model is to sell hosting services, their software is AGPL v3.
I’m not complaining, but why create something from the ground up when they could be improving OnlyOffice or LibreOffice?
Honestly all the highlights are really cool. The non destructive editing is a game changer.
Pascal is so awful. Damn, I wish it was dead.
In C too*.
*for certain compilers, that is.
Cool, thanks for explaining! I take it they don’t work that well on WINE either?
I’m clueless as to why one would want either. Running old hardware peripherals?
I had just graduated, fresh engineer and super happy I landed a pretty good starting engineering job in a great company. I was quite lucky. Engineers dropping like flies, becoming taxi drivers, or whatever they could find to sustain their families. All investments everywhere were dwindling. Thankfully oil prices were high regionally so some remained.
I’m sure it would. But in many languages a double negative just reinforces the negative. Hence the question.
There’s also Dart with its similar syntax to JS, strong type and null safety, and ahead of time compilation with hot reload. And yet it only really started getting adoption after being chosen as the language for Flutter.
This looks interesting, but it would work so much better as a written article to me.
You’re getting way too worked up against an internet stranger. Maybe take some time to appreciate what’s good around you and get into a better headspace.
And I strongly disagree cuck has any misogynist connotations, but that’s way beside the point.
You have the link to the guy’s blog, go shout that at him.
He’s proposing the GPL instead of these licenses, not exactly selfish. I don’t think the issue is being useful. Is complaining After people used your license as per its terms.
The web did.
But don’t let that stop you on your crusade to clean the web of foul words. I wish you all the best.
If such a thing would happen, all you need to do is fork the previous, copyleft, version of the code and go on with life as if nothing happened. That’s an economic disincentive for maintainers to try such shenanigans.