I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 48 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I argued like a couple having a fight with a psychiatrist about me being autistic when I was hospitalized once. We had a literal antagonized fight over me being autistic in front of two other doctors. She raised her voice at and wouldn’t believe me even though I told her I had been diagnosed by a psychologist that administered the ADOS, have seen said psychologist for months, my friends that are psychologists are confident I’m autistic, and that I was in special ed classes since 4th grade. I was seeking absolutely nothing related to it; I just happened to mention it in passing when I said I didn’t like sleeping at the hospital and missed my bed.

    Warning: sarcastic vent session

    Tap for spoiler

    This became the psychiatrist’s last stand against Big Autism. She wasn’t going to let a patient undermine her absolute authority by them giving her information that she needed to have a thorough understanding of the case. Who do I think I am to know and have an opinion about my entire life and well-being?? As soon as I got home, I threw her prescription in the trash.

    I worry about all the other vulnerable patients that she treats and dont have the mental strength to stand up to her, just getting drugged up for whatever would validate her need for control over others.

    Bonus: When I was receiving the discharge brief, she raised her voice at and put down a nurse that asked a question about my discharge instructions. Everyone’s faces in the room were straight blank like this 😐. I guess they were used to her abuse.

  • The fuel savings translate into about $600 less in gas costs over the life of a new vehicle, NHTSA projects.

    I don’t understand this. Let’s be extra safe and say I currently drive a car that gets 30 mpg 15k miles per year and the average fuel price was $3.60. If I switched to a vehicle that got 50 mpg, my savings per year alone would be $720.

    15,000 mi / 30 mi/g x $3.60/gal = $1,800

    15,000 mi / 50 mi/g x $3.60/gal = $1,080

    $1,800/yr - $1,080/yr = $720/yr

    Still being extra safe, let’s assume the car only makes it 100k miles, that’s a savings of ~$4,800 for the life of the vehicle.

    100,000 mi / 15,000 mi/yr = 6.67 yr

    6.67 yr x $720/yr = $4,802.40

    $4,800 > $600

    Again, this is being safe with a car that is fuel efficient, a person that travels a relatively short amount, and with low fuel prices. What am I misunderstanding??

  • I visited Colorado ~4 years ago. I remember thinking the people in Denver were impressively nice, especially us being from Florida. But, once we got to our Airbnb a few miles outside of the city, things were different. The Airbnb owner, while still nice enough to meet with and welcome us to his property, just had to talk about politics. It was that victim complex where he was being told what to do by the liberals and blah blah blah… One of the ways he was getting back at them was by encouraging all visitors to feed the wild deer, something that was allegedly made illegal by liberals to control him. Maybe he thought we would care about his politics and even agree with him because we were light-skinned from Florida, I was in the military, and my traveling partner was a cop, but we had far left political views and never asked him to begin with. It made us not want to talk to him anymore.

  • No, but I would love to read up on that. lol , brb gonna do an internet search

    Edit: I couldn’t find anything on them crashing during their convoys, but I found a couple that lived out of an RV they decked out in Trump stuff and would sell things out of as their business. The same exact RV was involve into incidents; you can’t make this up! In the first one, they stopped in the right lane of a highway early in the morning. Another woman stopped to help them. Their trailer was hit by yet another motorist and killed the woman that stopped to help. In the second incident, which happened recently, they totaled the RV by crashing it into a pole. I hope they stay off of the road because they seem like a hazard (either oblivious or neglectful at the least) and one person already lost their life.