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Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2024

  • Iran blowing up Nevatim airbase (where US shipments of bombs mostly came in) is a moral victory regardless of their reasons. Better use of their power than helping Assad treat his own citizens in a slightly-less monstrous way than what’s been done to Gaza. Reminds me a bit of when Trump struck Syrian airbases actually.

    Also a show-y, escalatory move from a morally dubious power but nevertheless was appreciated by us who actually live in this region and know people slaughtered in merciless airstrikes.

  • I don’t get why you guys view it this way. They, as Russians, are being utilized by the state and expended in a war of conquest that was initiated by an autocratic leader. The nation has paid a steep economic cost for it. That’s hard fact.

    But it’s also hard fact that their Russian nation is gaining territory. It is true that their country doesn’t control its strategic environment, their historic rivals in America and Western Europe. It is true that the last time they let these rivals lead them somewhere, it was to national decline and humilation.

    So yes, it is a tragedy, but the same one that characterizes the history of nations, and there is a rational element to the ideology that so many Russians now follow. The danger is the irrational element which turns this nationalist war into a racial or religious crusade, which are present but in my view not dominant.

  • “Limited operation.”

    “Well they have to stay to prevent threats from reconstituting.”

    “The settlers are just unfortunate extremists.”

    “Today, I recognize the Litani as sovereign Israeli territory…”

    “Learn your lesson: if you attack Israel it will get bigger. FAFO.”

    “Lebanon is attacking innocent defenseless Jews in Israel’s Litani region! What revanchism! They’re stuck in the past! We must prevent the Holocaust!”

    “Limited operation.”

  • I’ve come to believe with strong conviction (rare for me as a skeptical person) that there is no redemption to be found in Washington, and that the American Congress would gladly see Beirut, Damascus, Amman, Tehran, Baghdad and countless other cities wiped off the map if it means continued Judeo-Christian self-glorification and strategic stranglehold over the region. The solution now and forever is for the region to make that too costly, and that can only happen if there is a viable alternative to American power in the region or self-reliance by the Arab states. Neither of which appear to be forthcoming in the next decade. Maybe after.

  • Trust me, we in this region know exactly what Trump means by “run the government like a business” - it means superficial transactionalism. I was living in the Gulf during his presidency, and everyone knew the Saudis were trying to buy him on the cheap LOL! In fact, that’s why some people in the region want him back, hoping that his unpredictablility, stubbornness, contempt and seeming aversion to getting the US into a war may actually lead him to snub Israel or at the least make it reconsider whether the US would follow it into a regional war. As it stands, I can’t blame them for thinking that. You cannot imagine the rage and anxiety that this latest massacre of Lebanese by Israel has created.

  • Uh, no it’s not a technical term.

    I don’t know what you mean by “technical” here. There are several contexts where it is used academically. For example, here in Turkey the term is pretty ubiquitous when discussing the 80s ultranationalist, anti-communist state bureaucracy. It’s certainly in several of the English language political and international relations glossaries I’ve read.

    I don’t dispute that US politics is complicated and has many democratically elected players who shape policy. That’s why I put “deep state” in quotations, because the concept fits much more loosely when discussing US foreign policy bureaucracy.

    After all, when Trump got in, he fired a whole lot of State Department workers, raising fears that he was crippling it by removing indispensable experts. But what’s interesting is that his move was considered unprecedented, which sort of goes to prove the point that these individuals are embedded into US foreign policy and kept on as a matter of necessity or simplicity even if their overall strategic and moral outlook is detrimental to US interests and the world.

    Not that Trump made any improvements, he just replaced them with incompetents, extremists and yes-men.

    And you’re right, it was Ben Rhodes who coined “the blob”. No need to be rude, my point still stands. I am not a Trump supporter at all. His administration was a collosal failure for the Mid East’s future, but unfortunately the current crop of Democrats have taken after him on nearly all issues - from JCPOA to normalizing MBS to letting Israel run amok.