• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I used it to write a kickass counteroffer for an internal job promotion. I was pissed off with the offer and wrote out what I REALLY thought. I asked GPT to clean it up and respond with and upbeat and positive response where I’m eager to work with them.

    ChatGPT about to help me get an $18k raise.

  • I found out that it’s caffeine. I always thought i just naturally wanted to stay up until 2:30am, and then be okay waking at 6am for work.

    Turns out that when I drink even a single cup of coffee, it totally fucks up the thing in my brain that tells me I’m tired.

    So I started the lengthy process of cutting out all coffee…and after a week or so…holy shit…I was EXHAUSTED by 9:30pm. Like, I’d fall asleep in my computer chair at like 10:30. My sleep started to regulate. I felt so much better.

    Like, you don’t realize how much of your brain is operating in this hazy fog…until you’ve slept properly for a couple weeks. I could concentrate on things, I wasnt so lazy. I WANTED to do more things.

  • Yeah, sorta.

    • 311 is a shit show. You have to pretty much get involved with your local government officials to get literally anything done, otherwise you can just live with your pothole.
    • City officials have had a hard on for a minor league baseball stadium for fucking YEARS. They asked Richmond citizens for their vote on it, and every single time people said fuck no. It’s $110 million that could have been used to repair crumbling infrastructure, provide support programs, add additional affordable housing, repair our busted streets…noooo, why do that when we can go to a fucking minor league baseball game. Good idea Stoney. It’s getting built by 2026. That’ll for sure bring in money Stoney. Wonder what sort of kick back he’s getting as he’s only been pushing it for like 5 years.
    • City officials also hard a hard on for a casino to bring in additional “needed money” that they planned to throw in absolutely terrible locations. No one wanted it. I think we had to vote it down like half a dozen times. Petersburg, a crumbling ruin struggling town is now voting to add it. Just what it needs.
    • Look up the history of Jackson Ward.
    • Shcokoe Bottome still has buildings were destroyed in the flood back 30 years ago that have yet to be revitalized (but a fucking stadium is fine, right?)

    Thats just off the top of my head. Love it here though. Just…lots of annoyances.

  • Yes, let’s create a martyr of Trump. Fantastic idea. No way that would have backfired. Nosiree.

    Democrats tried to do things by the book. Legally. You know, the way things should be done. Not by escalating tensions with more violence.

    Democrats are absolutely infuriated by all of this. The shear frustration that more is not able to be done. Hell, look at Jack Smith and everything he’s been fighting for and trying to get pushed through. There have never been lawsuits like this brought against a former President - shit has to be airtight. You can’t just walk into court and say, “Trump sucks, he’s a menace, lock him up,” and expect Trump to get hauled off to jail.

    Your not being remotely realistic about how things SHOULD happen. Sure, the reactionary in me would have loved to know that the traitor got drawn and quartered, but the realist in me knows that it wouldn’t have done anything but beget more violence and extremism from the right. Trump cronies structured the Judicial System in his favor, and yes. He’s a fucking menace, but it’s not likely we’ve lost here, Kamala will win and he’ll get fucked. Let’s do this legally, and not take the “Nuclear, who cares about the fallout” option.