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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Think of it like this: Arrowhead, the developers, spent almost 8 years developing the game, getting funding throughout from Sony, which managed the publishing side of things so they could focus on game development.

    Then, around 6 months before release, over 7 years of development up to that point, Sony wanted PSN to be required for the game, and clearly by release time, that was not enough time to even implement or test that well enough.

    Their hands were tied years in advance, they couldn’t just let almost 8 years of their development time go to waste over one decision by their publisher, nor could they reasonably go against the publisher or get a new publisher only about 6 months before release.

    On their end, they didn’t do anything particularly wrong, unless they could see the future over 7 years before and realize Sony was going to practically pull the rug out from under them with everything in Sony’s favor, a decision only actually made far more recently.

  • Besides the unlimited use ferrystone, which doesn’t work in bitterblack isle, that was added to the first game later, the fast traveling works pretty much the exact same.

    If anything, there’s more fast travel options in Dragon’s Dogma 2 thanks to the ox carts which let you skip time until you arrive, or get ambushed, which lets you continue once you clear the ambush. And that’s just from well under a few hours of my time in game.

    Also in the significantly less than 24 hours I’ve had, rift crystals, the currency they’re selling for “convenience”, are quite easy to get, and you absolutely never need to spend them on pawns, just drop the max pawn level to your own level or under and they’re free to use.

    I’ve already gotten enough to do a full appearance change, another thing they’re selling for “convenience”, without specifically trying to get them, just having fun playing the game, exploring, and completing quests.

    And the tents? They aren’t consumable unless maybe they get broken from ambushes, which I have yet to have occur after over 5 uses of the cheapest tent, likely because I clear the area around me first. All that’s affected is weight, which becomes less of a problem the more you play regardless.

    Wakestones? If you’re dying, you’re not prepared or ready enough, come back later, it’s really that simple. I’ve already gotten a wakestone shard randomly, which you combine a few to get a full wakestone, which seems way faster than the first game given the much larger scale of this one. Not to mention that the ones you can buy as DLC are limited in that you can only buy 5 total, ever, but likely you can get endless amounts later in the game.

    The rift incense? The one offered is the actual worst one available, it’s random, as opposed to the pre-set ones you can get in game.

    Even the rift crystals you can only buy a limited amount for “convenience” when you can get unlimited just for playing the game.

    I’m sorry if I went off topic and on an extended reply, just a bit frustrated that I’ve been seeing tons of people spreading outright wrong and incorrect information about basic parts of the game. I’ve played both games now and gladly will clear up a ton of stuff like that. It’s one thing to criticize the microtransactions themselves accurately for what they are, and another thing entirely to lie out of ignorance just to have more to complain about.

  • From the US, as per the rule of the community.

    • Generally as it’s understood, yes, people are to a degree born gay. Although as it is now, it’s up to chance and the environment around them if they discover it or not, as being straight is so normalized some never figure out they aren’t straight, or if they do, it’s later on in their life.

    As to “becoming” gay, it really depends on what is implied with it, usually through context around the situation.

    • If it’s implied by the person saying it about someone else as being a decision, especially a sudden one, to just “be” gay, it’s generally with an ignorant or sometimes naive perspective behind it, respectively thinking it’s to spite them, just following a “trend”, or just to get out of the relationship with an excuse, or alternatively, they just don’t know better about how it really works.

    • And if someone is saying they “became” gay about themself, it just tends to mean they discovered that they already were, or in many cases, became more open about it to others after previously figuring it out. Perhaps until that moment, they thought they were straight, or even bi or any number of other possible options, but found out otherwise and realized they were specifically gay.

    • And finally, if it’s considered offensive, it depends on that previously explained context, as well as the context of how it’s framed within the series, whether it’s just that one character that believes it, or if it’s more widely held as a belief, and whether it’s shown as a good or bad thing within the series.

    • If it’s taken 100% seriously, and isn’t challenged as being wrong, either by being portrayed comedically as that character having awful views, or another character or some other means indicating as such, then there’s the possibility of it being offensively intended, which goes back to it being naive or out of ignorance.

    And for the TLDR variety, start here:

    If it’s actually played for comedic effect and/or looked down upon, then it’s the character that is being offensive, and not the series itself.

    • The problem indeed isn’t that the girlfriend is a lesbisn or potentially bisexual, or that she isn’t interested in him, which would go hand in hand with not being straight, but rather that she is cheating on him, which is itself a more complex matter, and doesn’t necessarily attribute the fault to the girlfriend by itself.

    • It could even be that part or even none of his claim is true if it’s not otherwise shown to be, in which case it might just be him making up excuses for why his girlfriend isn’t interested in him, when it’s likely to be his personality or something else driving her away from him in reality.

  • The term “boy’s club” here is really not generalizing “men” or “boys” as a whole, but rather it’s by its usage criticizing the specific group mentality it describes, that of a group of “boys” who treat women with less respect than each other, or otherwise exclude said women, as in at least some cultures is common from some generally younger “boys” who haven’t really matured past a mentality usually developed from a young age, because they lack the experience to know it’s wrong.