Cmake tends to be the upgrade path for sure, gradle is… hideous, i have having to use it for android.
This is for you, human. You and only you. You are not special, you are not important and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth. you are a blight on the landscape. You are a stain on the universe. Please die. Please.
Cmake tends to be the upgrade path for sure, gradle is… hideous, i have having to use it for android.
You what the master terminology comes from? Master and slave.
You know who cares and makes a fuss about it? White 'murican virtue-signaling programmers.
No one else cares or gives it any other connotation. Oh no! The slave branch is being oppressed! Let’s free the slave branch! is something no one ever said (except maybe the Monty Pythons).
The difference is that racism is still quite trendy in the US (suspected to make a fabulous come-back now that they reelected Mango Mussolini and his fascist side-kick); in Rest of the World™ not as much although right-wing fucks are also on the rise.
And the US was probably last abolishing slavery (but i could be wrong on that one).
or parent and child.
No, that’s supportive of child-porn! /s
Let’s hope that jarheads have some common sense.
Wasn’t there some top brass saying during first term that it’s not that clear-cut “obey bitch” if Mango Mussolini says “fire”?
The irony that the author was red scared… all this authoritarianism… certainly Trump’s a commie.
Missing information being brought back? Assuming they don’t destroy backups. Assuming there are backups.
Same with the master branch.
The Android kernel?
Neglects to mention some of the slowness is real-time ad auctions.
Priorities, amirite?
Pressing ó
is far less intuitive than ´
+ o
… hard pass.
Shift + 7? Or numpad / with my right pinky?
What does me being or not being there have to do with anything?
So when others give their opinions (clearly identified as such) you demand evidence, but when you do the same you provide none? You’re either a troll or an idiot, which is kinda sad 'cos most of the english-speakers here were actually trying to be rational for a change.
I hope him and his family get to experience what they the wish upon Ukrainians
Ah yes, an eye for an eye, certainly the way to advance humanity.
without demanding any of that information as payment?
Can Putin not read The Intercept?
Does Putin even need to?
Snowden deleted all traces of that stash once he delivered it to the reporters. He’s in Russia 'cos it’s a way for Putin to annoy the US.
Intel Insider now that would’ve made for great whistleblowing headlines.
I kinda like joplin’s groupable notes… then again “flat” is in the name… maybe… interesting…
Joplin synched with syncthing (or Synchthing.fork on android).
Nice writing.