Following the release of a report by the human rights organization Safeguard Defenders in September 2022, probes were launched by several countries into the activities of the “overseas police stations” established by China worldwide. These investigations uncovered that the Chinese government had been utilizing these stations to conduct surveillance on its citizens residing in foreign countries, including Europe and the US. Additionally, dissidents were subjected to threats, intimidation, and coercion to force their return to China.

  • Melody
    2 years ago

    These types of so called “Police” from China are nothing but diplomatic thugs and terrorists. They should be treated as such.

    Countries that wish to be a safe place for Chinese people to emigrate need to keep these kinds of tactics in mind when dealing with people seeking asylum from China.

    China on the other hand; should be fully ashamed of itself. They have no right to treat their citizens this way; regardless of whether or not they renounce their citizenship of China. It is a violation of basic human rights.