• BanMeAgainIWontStop1@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    No it’s not. Not in the majority of America. Who do people make this nonsense up?

    A double quarter pounder with cheese meal is $11 after tax. $33 to feed my family.

    I can feed my entire family on slightly more than than a single burger.

    1.5 lbs/ beef $6.50

    28oz bag frozen fries $3

    Let’s say a dollar for condiments and pantry items. $1

    Martin’s rolls: $2

    2l of coke $1

    $13.50 to feed 3 people.

    I can get chicken thighs for$2.50/lbs and make pulled chicken considerably cheaper.

    • webadict@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      You can make it even cheaper by securing yourself a parcel of unclaimed land, stealing some animals, building a small shack, and then growing all the vegetables yourself!

      A cheeseburger from McDonald’s is $2 × 3 = $6. You can buy a large fries for $3 and split it. Steal handfuls of ketchup and salt. $9 to feed your family of three. You can even buy a large soda and split it, ya bourgeoisie fuck, and it took you no energy or time to cook it, instead of the 1+ hour it took to make yours.

      • BanMeAgainIWontStop1@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Are you saying you can’t use less beef when cooking at home? Or share the 2L of soda? You just used less food.

        You can cook 4 burgers + fries for the family in 20 minutes. Many times quicker than driving and waiting in line at peak times. This guy does it all the time https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-tYKWQOe4YMbM7A7LELOsbQX945xEL_Q (sometimes wins sometimes loses).

        You need a pan, an oven, and 5 qt pot, a knife, spatula and you can basically make whatever you want. There are very very few Americans without the means to do so. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=53439. 99.5% of households have a refrigerator. According to HUD there is a homeless population of about 500k. Even if you allow for generous rounding and assume I missing some populations right there… The majority of people have every ability to make a good meal at home for cheap.