The influential idea that in the past men were hunters and women were not isn’t supported by the available evidence

    9 months ago

    This is the kind of wack-job pseudoscience article that is published in the abandonment of scientific method, for the interest of identity politics. What’s crazy is how effective this has been at swaying people’s opinions. We can talk until we’re blue in the face, but it’s not going to change biology, or the millions of data points we already have about physical performance between the sexes. To my knowledge there has been one anthropological dig that revealed one tribe of about 40 people where the women may have hunted as often or more than the men… and now there are groups of people intent on revising known history in the interest of their agenda. It’s okay that the sexes are different. It’s okay for groups of people to be different. We benefit from each other’s strengths, and help overcome each other’s weaknesses. The world would be rather boring if we were all exactly the same.