Whenever I did meth and started pissing dark red pee my eyes would become so bad at focusing I needed strong reading glasses to read my monitor.

I heard eyeballs are full of liquid and it made me wonder - are my eyes being canalised for water due to the meth induced dehydration?

P.S. I mention meth because there’s a big difference in severity between normal dehydration - which is bad - and meth-induced which is 10xTERRIBLE but less easily spotted.

  • Corroded@leminal.space
    8 months ago

    I doubt it. I feel like there’s easier places for your body to get water. I imagine it has more to do with your eyes not focusing or dilating as easy and maybe to do with the amount you are blinking potentially.

    I feel like if meth shrunk eyeballs or otherwise harvested their moisture they would have used that in drug prevention programs they run at middle schools.