Please, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, allow us to disable this chapter skipping feature (the one where tapping left or right to bring up the scrubber, then double tapping the other direction because 100% of people want to skip that direction some unit time - 10 seconds by default). This ends up feeling random and is just vexing.

It is the worst feature added to any software, maybe ever in the history of computing. How many hours are wasted trying to figure out where one was in this video? How much power and network bandwidth is consumed fighting this feature that I’ve not seen a single comment online of anybody benefitting from ever.

This feature is adding to human suffering by wasting energy and damaging people psychologically. Go please, look online, and consider castigating the creator of this feature in the public square. And then take a good hard look at yourself for not stopping this evil from ever being added in the first place.

Yours aye, Sane People

    10 months ago

    I was worried for a second, thought maybe something happened to the channel “That Chapter” on YouTube. Like oh dear God not another scandal, and I thought Mike was one of the good ones.

      10 months ago

      I think I would cry if that happened. There are few YouTubers that I would be really devastated to find out they’re a piece of shit. He’s definitely up there. Now that you mention this though, he’s disappeared from my recommended page and I need to go on a binge of back videos.