I just recently started documenting my code as it helped me. Though I feel like my documentations are a bit too verbose and probably unneeded on obvious parts of my code.

So I started commenting above a few lines of code and explain it in a short sentence what I do or why I do that, then leave a space under it for the next line so it is easier to read.

What do you think about this?

Edit: real code example from one of my projects:

async def discord_login_callback(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponseRedirect:
    async def exchange_oauth2_code(code: str) -> str | None:
        data = {
            'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
            'code': code,
            'redirect_uri': OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
            # get user's access and refresh tokens
            response = await client.post(f"{BASE_API_URI}/oauth2/token", data=data, headers=headers, auth=(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET))
            if response.status_code == 200:
                access_token, refresh_token = response.json()["access_token"], response.json()["refresh_token"]

                # get user data via discord's api
                user_data = await client.get(f"{BASE_API_URI}/users/@me", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"})
                user_data = user_data.json()
                user_data.update({"access_token": access_token, "refresh_token": refresh_token}) # add tokens to user_data

                return user_data, None
                # if any error occurs, return error context
                context = generate_error_dictionary("An error occurred while trying to get user's access and refresh tokens", f"Response Status: {response.status_code}\nError: {response.content}")
                return None, context

    code = request.GET.get("code")
    user, context = await exchange_oauth2_code(code)

    # login if user's discord user data is returned
    if user:
        discord_user = await aauthenticate(request, user=user)
        await alogin(request, user=discord_user, backend="index.auth.DiscordAuthenticationBackend")
        return redirect("index")
        return render(request, "index/errorPage.html", context)
  • aluminium@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    For new code I’m writing I’m using mostly JsDoc function headers on public methods of classes and exported functions. With one or two sentences explaining what function does.

    Also try to explain what to expect in edge cases, like when you pass am empty string, null, … stuff of that nature - for which I then create unit tests.

    I also always mention if a function is pure or not or if a method changes the state of its object. On a sidenote I find it odd that almost no language has a keyword for pure functions or readonly methods.

    If I add a big new chunk of code that spans multiple files but is somewhat closed off, I create a md file explaining the big picture. For example I recently added my own closed off library to my angular frontend that handles websocket stuff like subscribing, unsubscribing, buffering, pausing,… for which a created a md file explaining it.