There’s no reason to suspect we have become good enough at prestidigitation to make a strictly controlled and planned economy a logical choice. It might be less of a mistake than in the past but that dies not mean it is a good idea.
Information about economic activity and external events are routinely input into sophisticated economic modeling systems and analyzed accurately for their effects within seconds. To a certain extent, more and more so as this monopolistic era unfolds, we have top down central planning, just the kind neoliberals like.
There’s no reason to suspect we have become good enough at prestidigitation to make a strictly controlled and planned economy a logical choice. It might be less of a mistake than in the past but that dies not mean it is a good idea.
Information about economic activity and external events are routinely input into sophisticated economic modeling systems and analyzed accurately for their effects within seconds. To a certain extent, more and more so as this monopolistic era unfolds, we have top down central planning, just the kind neoliberals like.