I played WoW a bit after its initial release through the first couple xpacs. Getting the MMO itch again, but I know the WoW I grew up with doesn’t really exist anymore, so now I’m pretty out of touch.
For those of you playing / recently played an MMO, which one? How’s the community? How’s the lore? Gameplay in pve/pvp/rvr?
If you’re mainly interested in PVP or resource gathering, New World.
If you want better PVE, more interesting storylines and better more varied world design, Guild Wars 2.
Personally, I quit New World as a mainly PVE player after playing for around 30 hours. It was just too mind-numbing killing the same 5 mob types over and over even after getting to a new area. Even reading all the quest texts, I never got very interested in the world or (barely existant) storyline.
New World was such a huge letdown for me. Low level mobs respawning so fast you can’t even clear an area long enough to loot, empty world outside of endgame areas. etc.