Ubisoft is stopping online services for 10 titles, including several Assassin’s Creed games | Time to say goodbye::Ubisoft is ending online services for various titles, including Assassin’s Creed 2, Brotherhood, and Liberation.

  • EuroNutellaMan@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    games aren’t food, they don’t expire or disappear when you eat them, they aren’t even subject to physical degradation they’re files. As long as somebody has a copy of the files they can exist.

    A company should have no fucking business removing the ability to play something that I legally own from me. I bought the game I get to use it for as long and as many times as I want. Don’t want to keep running the server infrastructure forever? Fine, give me the tools to host the game’s server myself. Don’t want to do that? Ok, don’t make a game that requires it. Don’t wanna do that either? Then don’t sell games.