So I’ve recently been trying to use the term “2SLGBTQQIA+” over “LGBTQ” as it seems more inclusive, and includes first nation peoples beliefs on sexuality and gender, as well as including and differentiating “queer” from “questioning”. It’s not perfect (still combines A for ally and A for Asexual) but I think ally could just be included in the “+” portion. Regardless, It seems that people unfamiliar with this term just think I’m being a smart ass or a bigot. When truly I want to know what the limits of what “the community” feel is appropriate. Thank you to anyone who can shed some light on this for me.

    1 year ago

    I don’t know if it’s insensitive but it does seem unintuitive. Yeah “LGBTQ+” doesn’t include everything in it’s name but it’s a short acronym that’s easy to remember and say. If I’m in the middle of a conversation I probably can’t remember 2SLGBTQQIA+. At the end of the day it’s just language to communicate ideas, and I think LGBTQ+ gets the point across clearly. Alternatively you can just say Queer.