Another misleading way low-income persons are represented is… not at all. We get a consistent point of view from news media. It’s almost never a low-income one (for several reasons, none of which are an excuse). Every time I hear phrases like “the average Canadian” with no follow-up on the people who are below the floor and above the ceiling, I scream internally. On top of that, it’s not like everyone agrees on what the middle class is even supposed to be defined as (or look like).
Another misleading way low-income persons are represented is… not at all. We get a consistent point of view from news media. It’s almost never a low-income one (for several reasons, none of which are an excuse). Every time I hear phrases like “the average Canadian” with no follow-up on the people who are below the floor and above the ceiling, I scream internally. On top of that, it’s not like everyone agrees on what the middle class is even supposed to be defined as (or look like).