Does ActivityPub send those to other instances, or does ActivityPub only send the original post and the rest (upvotes, downvotes, replies) are stored only on the original server where the post was made?
Does ActivityPub send those to other instances, or does ActivityPub only send the original post and the rest (upvotes, downvotes, replies) are stored only on the original server where the post was made?
Technically votes are public. Only UI is hiding them. Which should be resolved, one way or another.
Edit: there was a post with that here a few weeks ago. I understand that this isn’t a real answer to your question. Maybe you find it with these hints.
Edit2: Found it. Here you’ll find more.
Meaning admins are purposefully allowing other people to brigade others with alts.
Lemmy fucking blows.
how so?
Removed by mod
Did anyone make it all the way thru this? Does any of it match reality? Is it a bit? I honestly cannot tell
And you trust literally any other social media website’s impressions count?