I was one of those poor kids, so I remember being price gouged every year when I no longer fit my clothing. I also remember switching to a school that didn’t, and suddenly it was less expensive because, unlike your implication, I didn’t run around naked outside of my uniform when not in school, and wore the same clothing in and out. I also remember doing research and citing sources for my claims, which you seem to be short on. Maybe it’s because you’re not wearing your uniform right now? Can you provide a source for any of your claims?
I was one of those poor kids, so I remember being price gouged every year when I no longer fit my clothing. I also remember switching to a school that didn’t, and suddenly it was less expensive because, unlike your implication, I didn’t run around naked outside of my uniform when not in school, and wore the same clothing in and out. I also remember doing research and citing sources for my claims, which you seem to be short on. Maybe it’s because you’re not wearing your uniform right now? Can you provide a source for any of your claims?