Remember how canceling the gas plant was such a big deal? I bet the apologists will be out in force explaining how the fact that we are on the hook for this abjectly corrupt effort to transfer billions of dollars of unearned benefit to Ford’s wealthy developer friends/donors is, “ToTaLlY dIfFeReNt.”

    1 year ago

    Par for the fucking course. Remember how his crackhead brother cost Toronto nearly $100M in cancellation fees, wasted work, and then probably hundreds of millions more in lost productivity by writing a one page memo on mayoral letterhead cancelling Transit City?

    It infuriates me that people think conservatives are good with money. They burn through hundreds of millions in utter and complete bullshit while championing ‘efficiencies’ and burning the system down from the inside.

      1 year ago

      It infuriates me that people think conservatives are good with money.

      Do they think that? The federal CPC (Reform) party has definitely billed themselves as being good with money. I am not sure the PC party has done the same. They usually promote a “good for business” position – and what’s better for business than free money handouts from the government?

      Perhaps these people of which you speak heard what the CPC said and then became confused, not realizing that the Ontario PC party is a completely separate entity?