This is AFTER debloating all the MS bs as much as I can.

The amount of MS telemetry is just mindboggling.

    11 months ago

    Doesn’t matter, in the end, because it’s the same story for tons of us out there. The company I work at now makes a product that only works on Windows. It’s in most of the power plants in the country. You’ve never heard of us unless you are one of half a dozen people at each power plant. There are thousands and thousands of companies just like mine, cranking out software that only works on Windows.

    I think the only thing that will change this trend is the raspberry pi and machines like it. Make it so cheap to equip your employees with a Linux machine that it’s impossible to ignore.

    Even then, though, 10 hours of lost productivity a month makes the windows machine the more valuable buy for even a low paid employee.