To whom it may concern.

    11 months ago

    Yeah its going to take several million. But the issue is. Its self for-filling.

    The more folks on different social medias trash the idea of using the system to send a message. The less motivation society feels to encourage others to sign it.

    Simple fact is. We reall have no other way of telling sunak he is taiking out of his arse. Anything less then the M25 being crowded with protesters trying to bang on No 10s door. Can be classed as a small % of voters up in arms.

    And lets face it. If we ever had a significant % of voters turning up to cvomplain. The govs resopnse would be to call it a civil attack on government. Because the simple practicality of a significant % of society showing up. I freaking dangerous for all around. How ever peaceful the intent. Such a crowd would cause deaths.

    So encouraging large numbers to register their opinion online is the only real option. We need millions. The original poster said 1m. I think it needs nearer 5 to be hard to claim it just a small % 10 to be impossible.

    But hear is the main point. It is already required to be discussed in parliament. So while the government can always ignore it. Opposition parties can disagree. The usual result is only a few gov MPs turn up. Say no. aAnd no one makes a fuss. But multi millions of votes is very possible if folks like us share the purpose. And that purpose is to make it clear to every opposition MP that they have a duty to stand up and be heard at this debate. To tell the PM that his we dont want an election. Is an out right lie.

    it gets harder and harder for him to claim its not wanted. But also more damaging to his other claims when he is finally forced to do so a year later. The more he disagrees with a growing number on a gove official forum for expressing civil will. The more ant statement he makes is clearly seen as self serving.