• RaskolnikovsAxe@lemmy.ca
    4 days ago

    Oh please fuck right off with this apologist bullshit.

    I don’t care what people think, and it wouldn’t matter if I did, as long as they keep their treasonous sympathies in their own head.

    The moment they voice it or act on it, then it becomes expression. And freedom of expression does not extend to treasonous or seditious speech or action, as it’s defined in the criminal code.

    And anyway, where freedom of expression applies, it only protects against government suppression or legal repercussions. It has nothing to say about me making their lives miserable and making sure everyone knows they’re treasonous Yank sympathizers and just generally untrustworthy pieces of shit. And these people know that which is why they rarely make their views known publicly.

    Well that, and they know that if they out themselves they’ll be the first up against the wall if shit gets ugly.