Covid showed us half of Americans are selfish assholes. I don’t want to be around them any more than I have to.
Shits expensive, and I don’t mind hanging in whatever I feel like. What’s the point of spending 45-70% on housing if I am only using it 30% of the time?
I stay inside because people in my community are increasingly hostile and aggressive toward me for no good reason as far as I can tell.
This is detrimental to community, especially community organizing against fascism.
Like it or not, community is shown to improve mental health.
I’ve been listening to a lot of indigenous teachings on community. It’s really impactful.
Agreed. We should go to community functions like picnics and swimming. Forget that religion leading to the current racist and murderous outcomes ever exited. As an example the current misleader of the boundworlds trumpfus was instated thanks to the religious zealots of the evangelical Christian church. Because of course that’s what trumpfus is all about. They get some of the blame, not all of it. There were capitalist assholes purchasing votes too.