No lies detected!
Oh no accusations! We’ve got them now!
only it took you dumb fucks 39 days to figure it out.
In fairness, so did a large portion of Americans. Unfortunately, half of us are dumb as fuck and still won’t believe it.
We knew this during his first term.
Putin was still pretending he wasn’t going to start a global war before he died, that time though
Yeah but they were hampered by pesky laws and rules last time
McCarthy is turbo-rolling in his grave right now. The cemetery ground trembles from the diesel storm raging beneath.
Got em!
The neutered arm of the government should remain quiet about the ‘arm of Kremlin’ until they decide to actually do something about it.
Saying the emperor has no clothes (or his clothes are made in Moscow) is the first step in doing something about it. If we all keep quiet and just go along with authoritarianism, then the fight will be over before it starts.
Soooo…. What about the past decades where we weren’t quiet?
Thing is… it’s never one and done. You show up, you make yourself heard, you take action…and you keep fucking doing it…
Keep it up and it will be the leg too.
And now his dod chief says they are discontinuing the US cyber operations against Russia.
…and they just ended aid to Ukraine.
Trump is a Russian agent and the Kremlin dictates U.S. policy.
Yeah. Shame we can’t get the military to oust his sorry ass
NO SHIT SHERLOCK to ∞ and beyond.
It is an arm of the US aristocracy
So, fucking do something about it.
Not too much can be done, since a ton of the country sat with their thumbs up their asses instead of voting. Republicans control all three branches of government now.
In two years, after permanent damage has been done to the government, the climate, and the economy, we may have another shot at at least slowing things down via Congress IF people actually vote for sane people.
And in four, potentially a new presidency and Congress. But that could be dicy, since there’s going to be little stopping corrupt officials from screwing with democratic safeguards now that the government is teeming with freaks and degenerates under its skin.
Aside from lawsuits from Democrats, I think the federal government is going to be in complete freefall for the next two years, bare minimum. Thanks fascists and nonvoters. You really fucked the entire world this time. Fucking malicious idiots.
Because over half of this country has been convinced that acting against their own interests is in their own interests as long as they “win” some fantasy game. “We showed them!”
They can vocally and actively criticize the DNC leadership for being controlled opposition. Bernie is doing it, why isn’t everyone else?
Because everyone else knows that criticism isn’t action. I think it’s safe to assume that no mountain was ever moved because someone criticized it enough.
A lone voice of reason. Everyone wants to be lazy in November then expect the people who have no power to do something for them in March.
Talk about passing the buck.
The Democrats need to give voters a reason to go out and vote. The choose the lesser evil reason and keep the status quo isn’t enough.
This is the laziest fucking bullshit excuse every time. Crying up a storm when a fucking literal fascist is on the ticket with an understanding that the guardrails are basically fucking gone and going “Yea, but they didn’t give me a reason to go”
Guess what buttercup? You want “action now!” I was trying to drum up action when all that was needed was standing in line for maybe a couple hours and putting your vote in and half these leftists going “We gotta do something!” couldn’t be faffed to show up at that line in the sand.
And before “But Biden” or “But Harris”, my beating the drum to vote is for your local shit every day where you have FAR MORE control than the DNC but statistics show you probably weren’t even aware when these were.
So no… I’m not rallying to y’alls cries because you’ve proven you’ll be fair weather allies at best and probably stay home expecting someone else to save your asses. And when the fire gets tough, those that I know who stayed home can’t expect me to lift a finger to help them either because I’ll be busy helping those that at least could do the bare fucking minimum to try to course correct instead of just acting smug.
Our society is about to get what it deserves. I feel bad for the 1/3 that did show up and tried. The rest can go to hell for all I care.
IDK. When Hitler was on the ballot, I feel the lesser of two evils was a sufficient reason to vote for the social democrats.
Whether the democrats did or not- the conservatives DEFINITELY gave you a reason to. There was NO excuse to not vote AGAISN’T what they promised would come. So, those that chose not to- have no excuse that carries anywhere near enough value it would take to buy them out of taking responsibility for where we are now.
The democrats may have run a bad campaign, there’s little to argue there. But a bad campaign is NO excuse to allow conservatives to take over our democracy. They told us exactly what they would do. We all knew they would do this.
You didn’t have to vote FOR democrats, but you absolutely should have voted AGAINST the end of democracy.
That’s just bullshit, all repeating this does is enable people to not vote by blaming the democrats. Inactions have consequences and anyone who stayed home instead of vote is as much to blame for the current situation.
Got any suggestions?
I do, some less savory ones but the “correct” ones are to unite and help, via a grassroots movement to mobilize the population. Show solidarity, and help groups organize to defend democracy.
Find some of your local republican law makers and “encourage” them to disown their party or quit. I’ll let you choose your methods, but “protesting” would be a weak choice. When you hit them at home, they start to get worried this shit might come back on them.
Hard to believe the famous quote by Malcolm X for civil rights is now relevant for democracy; you know which one.
The one from 1964? I know it well.
Not a yank, just someone who will be affected by American fascists.
No one wants fascism except the ruling class
A large number of Americans far removed from the ruling class want fascism. They want it because they’ve been propaganda-brainwashed, and their feelings are hurt if you call it fascism, but they mos def want it.
They don’t want anything except to hurt liberals. Literally nothing matters to trump supporters/the American right other than hurting the people they don’t like. I am American, and live in a red state. The Republican Party gives 0 shits about anything expect for lining their pockets. Their supporters don’t care as long as what they do hurts women/children/gays/black people/immigrants/trans/anyone that isn’t a straight white man.
Brainwashed, yes. Want actual fascism? No.
Ever notice how when democrats are in power you never catch republicans being like “well what are we supposed to do?” They do absolutely everything in their power to continue to push their agendas. The Democrats and other liberals should stop being big useless babies and actually DO WHAT THEY WERE ELECTED TO DO IDK
Democrats are loving it right now.
We’re in this mess because First Past The Post (FPTP) voting inherently results in a two-party system, which in turn creates polarization and extremism.
To create lasting, meaningful change we need to move away from FPTP to Rank Choice (my preference) or Proportional Representation. Thankfully, the voting process is determined at the local level (state, county, or city depending on your location) which means the goons taking over the federal government will have a much more difficult time resisting this change.
We need people in local governments pushing for this change. Once we’re off FPTP a lot of other changes are going to be easier to make.
Did you just get out of a time machine from 2015? The constitution is broken and our government has been captured by bad actors. Shuffling around the deck chairs of voting systems isn’t going to un-crash the Titanic…
Edit: (as a more constructive comment) You’re talking about reform that would take years and years of voting, organizing and political positioning. We don’t have the time. Stop doing that and start pushing for a blanket recall of every GOP official in the 39 states that allow them.
At any level; state senator or local mayor. Throw in any Dem that cooperates with Trump’s orders as well. It won’t stop the fed but at least it’s cutting state level support.
How does that help anything?
As an example, republican legislators can target state institutions that resist Trump’s executive orders. Things like cutting state funding for not complying with his DEI nonsense as a double whammy, or ordering state police to support ICE.
They also know it’s open season for regressive laws right now, look at bills targeting LGBT and abortion rights. These will face almost no opposition all the way up to the SCOTUS as federal civil rights protections are dismantled.
And don’t forget that your state and local governments oversee elections. The false elector plots in 2020 were enabled by these people.
Now this is an interesting idea that I would like to learn more about. Any recommended sources or efforts to get this done underway that you are aware of and willing to share?
Unfortunately no organized national movement that I know of. I only hear about individual pushes on specific people
We all have suggestions, but we get banned for saying them. So, instead of trying to get people banned, maybe suggest your own solutions.
I have listed some general descriptions of things that I am doing that I have seen to make a positive impact on others, my community and myself that I feel could be accessible to others in another comment elsewhere on this post. I also am making a mostly open offer of support to anyone trying to make a difference in the form of resources, time, energy, listening, etc when I am able to offer it, with the conditions lined out in the post (be acting in good faith mostly)
See my comment elsewhere in this thread for my response to a similar question asked in a different way.
It’s all theatrics.
That pee tape must be fucking bonkers.
Any blackmail tape doesn’t explain everyone else also following in step.
Remember when the DNC emails got hacked and released? They weren’t the only party who got hacked.
Exactly. Putin has leverage on almost the entire GOP. Additionally, I’m pretty sure this is all stuff they want to do anyway. It’s easy to blackmail people into doing something they already want to do.
He’s best friends with some tabloid mogul, there’s a safe full of kompromat on every right-wing nutjob that ever got anywhere, I bet.
It must be a poo tape
It has to be something embarrassing to ivanka. Not him fucking her since he would be proud of that, but something else.
Anything else? That is fake news blah blah don’t worry he raped her after.
Lol, no. He only cares about himself.
She would take half his wealth in the divorce
Wrong person, but do you really think he didn’t make her sign a prenup?
He didn’t say Melania. Go re-read it, and sorry in advance for the squick.
I see. There are enough pedophiles on the right that I can understand making that fucked up joke though
“And what are you gonna do about it?” - Putin, probably
Cold War cosplay reaches Senate floor as Murphy rebrands DC as Little Moscow.