My job is having a breast cancer walk coming soon and our office director asked me if I would like to walk in it. I said I’d think about it.

But honestly, my gripe with it is that it’s for Susan G Komen and I cannot stand that organization. The overhead they spend is enough to show that they are not the charitable organization they claim to be.

My aunt had breast cancer (and beat it) and my dad passed from prostate cancer, so I understand and fucking hate cancer, but I don’t want to support organizations that take advantage of it for their own profitable gain either.

What’s the kindest way I can respond to such a request without coming off like a bitter dick?

    1 year ago

    Do you feel safe enough at your job to state frankly why you don’t want to support that organization? If not, then do it and hold your nose, because you need the job.

    If yes, then tell them that you have learned that the organization is too ineffective to merit your support. No matter what you try to do, some people will decide you’re a dick. You have to decide whether you feel safe enough to let them. It might bother you for a while, even for longer than you’d like. It sucks, but that’s part of living your values.

    Stating your position simply and calmly is plenty kind. If you can, offer to help a cancer charity that you can more confidently support.

    Good luck.