ITT: Every shitty boss you ever had that would prefer you sever yourself from your thoughts, emotions, and personhood all for the sake of capitalism. The same folk who preach about the meritocracy but fall in line and flip their shit every time a trust fund baby in a suit visits.

    25 days ago

    Look, if you agree to come over to my house to play d&d, everyone gets here, and all you talk about is your jock itch, do you think you’ll be invited back?

    Like it or not, a job is when you have agreed to perform a set of tasks. In a capitalist system, that means for money. But in any other system, you’d still be wasting time that’s supposed to be spent doing the thing you agreed to do.

    You could be a member of a collective or cooperative, and if you’re still babbling about something outside the task you’re there to handle, you’ll end up being reassigned or otherwise censured.

    Yeah, fuck capitalism, and fuck corporate bullshit. Just don’t pretend that agreeing to do a task, and then not doing it while you natter on about an unrelated subject is acceptable on your end either. If you need personal time to handle any emotional upkeep, that’s a separate issue, but being expected to stay on task is agnostic of framework

        25 days ago

        Wait, wait, you don’t play d&d 40 hours a week? What are you wasting your time doing?

        And, in case you aren’t aware, that’s called an analogy (or whatever the right word is, I haven’t been awake long enough to do anything but sit on this toilet, so you get what you get).

        It’s used to draw attention to the similarities between two things that are otherwise different. This is a common rhetorical tool to highlight a different way of thinking about a subject.

        I’m fairly sure you were just bring snarky, but just in case you weren’t, or have English as a second language or whatever, that’s what I was doing, pointing out that even if you remove work from the matter, we all still have times that are and are not acceptable for off topic conversation that prevents others from doing the task.