with bonus threat of increasing tariffs if any retaliation…

Charge US $30B per month for NORAD access. If Russia can strike Permean basin with nuclear ICBM then that can help their negotiations with ending war on Ukraine. Fund UBI based on NORAD fee.

Eliminate tariffs on China. Sanctions on Russia. US industry that says it will make long term expansion investments in US to cut off Canadian supplies, gets immediate China contracts in response. Or make comensurate “lease fee” for NORAD higher.

Fentanyl and immigration is complete BS. This is a declaration of war based on manufacturing a false “national emergency” pretext. Any response that doesn’t treat it as a war declaration by US is pathethic weakness and politician/Canadian treason to their CIA masters.

Make the US beg to treat Canada much better than it was treated before these tariff declarations. USA collapse is necessary for Canada to prevail. Not begging to let Trump declare you a sufficient sycophantic bitch, which won’t happen.

  • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Canada also needs to spin up a full on poaching program and asylum program.

    Any US citizen with a fairly clean criminal record (with anything legal in Canada ignored, IE possession of weed would be ignored as that’s legal here) ca apply for immediate Canadian citizenship as long as they renounce America

    Priority given to anyone with any form of valuable skills, degrees, tickets, certificates, etc

    If you can build houses, you get in and can start work ASAP.

    We need to simply poach the US’s valuable workforce at a time like this, which instantly will drag down their overall economy.

    All your best scientists? Teachers? Engineers? Developers? Architects? Plumbers? Electricians? Doctors, nurses, surgeons? You name it, we should poach it right now on a fast track, watch as the US suddenly watches huge swaths of its work force evaporate.

    Follow up with just cutting off trade with the US for as long as it takes. Completely sever their energy, oil, food, lumber, etc supply.

    The entire north will quickly dry up as suddenly food skyrockets in price.

    Finally end respecting of US patents and trademarks. Start quickly making our own versions of drugs patented in the US, but way cheaper.

    Want our cheap drugs and better medical systems? Our poaching asylum system is ready for you.