I’m curious what ‘surprising’ games people have played last year on their Deck.
Most likely the most played games matches the top 10 list from Steam but I’d like to hear also about those lesser known games that you enjoyed, got working (give hints for the rest of us) or just would like to recommend to us.
Elite dangerous. Felt for it, again.
I still want to play it these years as a Sci-Fi and Space Simulator fan. Is it that good? Why are there so many negative reviews on Steam?
Overall I downloaded it, thanks for reminding me.
Not sure about the reviews. But if you’re a space sim fan, and not afraid of the grind, you’re absolutely gonna love it. There was some new content released with new ships. Can’t wait to get back to it in a year or so.
Also, absolutely perfect on steam deck. On foot can be a bit demanding, but flying is flawless.
Is it p2w? Are there predatory microtransactions?
AFAIK you can only buy cosmetics. But I only play solo or private sessions so I wouldn’t care anyway.
Tou can play on deck !!!
Absolutely! On foot can dip sometimes, and fan can certainly be heard on foot, but otherwise runs smooth
Why did you do this to me !!! I can now say goodbye to my family, projects, life…