So essentially I took a class last semester, passed it, but didn’t learn shit because I rarely attended the lectures (worked evenings, class was in AM, used the hour to catch up on sleep). I didn’t realize how important the class was to my major, and now I’m seriously struggling in my current classes.

Have you ever had to retake a prerequisite in order to better understand a subject?

    1 year ago

    I came to college with an AP Calc 2 credit, and my counselor suggested I retake it for an “easy GPA boost”

    Little did I know the only professor to teach Calc 2 was one of the worst teachers of all time, and everyone frequently got low grades in his class. It put my scholarship into jeopardy, and I had to go a long way up the chain and beg for a whole slew of overrides, to apply my old AP credit and avoid taking the same course with the same professor again.

    So yeah, be careful as you might get a shit professor and hurt your GPA. You might be better off just getting study materials or tutoring from a 3rd party so it won’t have a chance to negatively affect your academic standing