So essentially I took a class last semester, passed it, but didn’t learn shit because I rarely attended the lectures (worked evenings, class was in AM, used the hour to catch up on sleep). I didn’t realize how important the class was to my major, and now I’m seriously struggling in my current classes.

Have you ever had to retake a prerequisite in order to better understand a subject?

    1 year ago

    I had to retake a class twice because I had transferred schools/majors and something in the computer said that was the class I needed to be in at the time. I put this on the university.

    Basically they put me in this class but I hadn’t had two of the pre-reqs. This was obviously a problem, so I had to drop it twice in order to take those because I didn’t know what in the hell was going on (engineering). I was getting the runaround from the office and basically nobody knew what I needed to do and the professor wasn’t the best in terms of communication.

    So to answer your question, yes. I struggled a lot not knowing the basics.