So essentially I took a class last semester, passed it, but didn’t learn shit because I rarely attended the lectures (worked evenings, class was in AM, used the hour to catch up on sleep). I didn’t realize how important the class was to my major, and now I’m seriously struggling in my current classes.

Have you ever had to retake a prerequisite in order to better understand a subject?

    1 year ago

    I went back to school after a 8 year absence after I couldn’t afford to continue school originally, and had to get a blue collar job. I competed 2 years at a university before leaving. But I ended up having to retake most of my courses I’d already completed up to that point as my community college didn’t accept any of my credits after that time frame.

    In all fairness, I probably would have struggled to get into the new stuff if I hadn’t reviewed the old things and it made it easier to get back into the college mode since everything was familiar. The only part I’m really annoyed about is having to retake physics. I aced AP physics in high school, like vreezed right through it with nearly perfect grades and got a top score on the exam. But they didn’t count the credit because it wasn’t Calculus based. The difference between the Calc based and the non-calc based was negligible at best, the class was not relevant to my degree and they only offered it in the semester I had to take it in a city 1.5 hours away for a 5 hour lecture and lab twice a week. So I dedicated 16 hours a week and all of that gas money for two semesters just on this one ultimately useless class. I’m a bit salty about that one.

    When I finished my associates and transferred to a state school for my last 2 years for my bachelor’s, they ended up accepting nearly all of my original credits even though they were now redundant. However they didn’t accept the credit from either school for my discrete mathematics course credits. So I ended taking that course for a third time. Yaaaay! Also. Guess what, they accepted my AP physics credit that my community college didn’t. So I made that drive and spent all day on that class twice a week for no reason at all! Woo-hoo!