
Churches across the U.S. are grappling with dwindling attendance and financial instability, forcing many to close or sell properties.

The Diocese of Buffalo has shut down 100 parishes since the 2000s and plans to close 70 more. Nationwide, church membership has dropped from 80% in the 1940s to 45% today.

Some churches repurpose their land to survive, like Atlanta’s First United Methodist Church, which is building affordable housing.

Others, like Calcium Church in New York, make cutbacks to stay open. Leaders warn of the long-term risks of declining community and support for churches.

    2 months ago

    Government grifters and charlatan faith leaders have completely debased the idea of ‘Christianity’ over the past few decades to the point where most people associate Christianity as some joke religion that no one really takes seriously.

    Personally, I see anyone who proclaims themselves as Christian as a liar, bigot, narcissist and someone lacking in empathy for others. Sure you can tell me about Jesus Christ but I associate anyone who claims him are just paying lip service to the religion and that they are just psychotic sociopaths who are only interested in power and money.

    I don’t mind Churches dying out because they’ve basically destroyed their own religion themselves.

    Unfortunately, humans are a dumb species that rely heavily on wanting to believe in something so once this religion dies out another one will take its place and repeat the process. It’s been happening for thousands of years so I don’t think we’ll stop that tradition any time soon.

      2 months ago

      most people associate Christianity as some joke religion

      But, it started as an essenic cult. It’s not accidental that scient\ologists consider someone leaving the cult as a death, the same metaphoric resurrection if they return; you get how that’s similar, right? Your brother is executed instead of you, you have survivor guilt, you nope out of the cult, they call you dead, you reconsider over a few days, you’re back in - yay, it’s a resurrection!

      Anyway, considering Christianity a bit of a scam or a sham isn’t strictly a new thing.