Since the late 1990s, drug companies have spent tens of billions of dollars on television ads, drumming up demand for their products with cheerful jingles and scenes of dancing patients.
The other was avoiding processed foods. I’m guessing he won’t be allowed to implement that either when his boss gets a wheelbarrow full of cash from the McClown.
There’s a shot of RFK and the rest of the Dream Team holding a Big Mac somewhere and he genuinely looks like they’ve asked him to pose with a freshly laid dog turd.
Rare RFK W.
The other was avoiding processed foods. I’m guessing he won’t be allowed to implement that either when his boss gets a wheelbarrow full of cash from the McClown.
There’s a shot of RFK and the rest of the Dream Team holding a Big Mac somewhere and he genuinely looks like they’ve asked him to pose with a freshly laid dog turd.
Trump is smiling in the picture like he just made his new stooge pose with a dog turd
Mike johnson photobombing in from the side, trying to be included.
Even a blind clock is a horse once in a while
A broken horse will lead a man to water at least twice a day in the bush
Seriously, he gives me major whiplash. Like 90% of his opinions are pure bullshit, but I often agree with the remainder.
He also left the dead carcas of a bear in Central Park.
He also drove over 300 miles to cut the head off a beached whale and bring it home.
RFK does a lot of strange things, and i don’t think it was 100% the brain worm either.
He also had a habit of eating raw or even partly rotten meat for a while IIRC. That’s probably how he got that brain worm.
The behind the bastards podcast about him was a wild ride
“When your rich they just let you do it” - Some rich asshole