I also had sites I wanted to share: –Swiftread or spreeder, shows one word at a time to read pasted text –12ft ladder, paste sites into this and it’ll block ads –Invidious, ad free, viewcount free youtube experience & it doesnt play automatically when you click a video –localingual, interactive map of the world, you can listen to each country’s anthem and language
Joplin and Obsidian.md
Joplin is open source note taking to the bone and obsidian is still open but with some paid favors in the mix. Both have mobile and desktop clients for just about everything except a literal toaster.
Edit: lmao I am a kumquat, obsidian isn’t actually open source except for the plugins. So keep that in mind if you plan to use it.
I will also throw in syncthing. Open source, syncs files between devices it’s pretty freaking neato. Definitely a 10 out of 10 project for me.
Isn’t obsidian closed source? I see that only their core plugins are open source.
Oh shit you right lemme edit that.
Obsidian is sick. Its best if you know markdown (which is easy to learn). Instead of paying for Obsidian sync, I just use nextcloud to sync my obsidian vault across multiple devices.
Do you use them both? If so, what purpose does each serve for you?
I primarily use Obsidian but both use markdown.