Open to suggestions on title. App wouldn’t provide

What do we think of this ?

I’d say considering we produce for 40 million (at last count) This is objectively false. We produce for profit. Simple as that. We the population subsidize these corporations to use the land as they please. We then get left with what’s left over.

Give us the means and we can produce for ourselves. Not hard to grow zucchini. Literally throw seeds in some ground and they sprout up.

Need land and resources and can stop relying on supermarkets.

Obviously plenty of caveats on that way of thinking. However current system isn’t fit for purpose. Several individuals get obscenely wealthy while we create health inequalities. Governments are meant to be for the people. Currently that is not the case

    1 year ago

    Someone should really do a PSA on this shit

    You’d really hope a political party wouldn’t need a PSA to tell them this, but this is TPM we’re talking about.