That is impressively high end trolling, really stellar quality.
And it shows how ridiculously one-sided dictatorships act.
truly a top shelf troll
A masterclass even… ;)
I imagine that is probably somewhere in the cards.
One thing about Xi though, is he seems like a very patient man. I wonder if he isn’t just waiting for some sort of convenient Russian political collapse and fracturing of their state.
Never stop an enemy, when they make a mistake.
Egg them on, if they think you are a friend.
Fully disagree. Xi is sacrificing the (economic ) wellbeing of his citizens at the altar of stricter repressive policies on its own population, and international power games. Corruption is running rampant there’s a massive real estate bubble, the population is aging quicker than in the west and I don’t think he has the ability to fix these issues, because he takes growth for granted.
No one would stop China if they did it. Not even russians.
Go on China. Do it!
tents fingers
Gooood . . . gooooood
lulz i like it, i love it, i want some more of it