It sounds way less offensive to those who decry the original terminology’s problematic roots but still keeps its meaning intact.

  • Queen
    2 months ago

    I keep trying to tell people that White Privilege doesn’t mean you have an easy life because of your skin color, as a honky myself I’d be heavily offended if anyone legitimately believed something so naive as the idea that I lived on easy street. That my lack of any thing even coming close to a tan put me in some elite club. I very much do not as I live paycheck to paycheck, often having to buy essentials like food and gas on credit, whilst having to live with family and use food banks to get by.

    However, no one’s out here actually arguing that being white makes my life easy because that’s not what white privilege is.

    White Privilege simply means that out of all the things working against me in this dog-eat-dog world of late stage capitalism and constant culture war, my skin color is not one of them.

      2 months ago

      Agreed. The systemic exclusion of POC from benefits and advantages was rolled back just as POCs were becoming independent. It affected BOTH communities , POCs AND economically dis-advantaged equally.

      So you had a substantial population with severe economic and political disadvantages being relentessly targetted by those in power.

      Hence, the current top-1% control 80% upwards of everything.