Edit: lol yeah, I deserve this, I teed it up rather magnificently.

  • Russ@bitforged.space
    1 month ago

    In my first year of high school, we actually went out to the massive Toyota truck factory in San Antonio, Texas as a field trip! Definitely the best field trip of all time (at least, for my area), I can’t actually remember the purpose of the trip (if it was tied to a lesson plan at the time, or if we just did it because it was cool).

    I remember being really amazed at the automatic robots that whirred around the facility. Sadly I do not have any pictures of the trip (and even if I’d had the means to do so, that was so long ago that I definitely wouldn’t still have copies anyways) however there is an article here from a team that took a tour, they even cover the “Stop, Point, Look” policy that they made us follow while we were in the manufacturing plant.

    At the time, I believe their “Tacoma” model of pickup trucks were only assembled in that plant (at least, in the US) - this doesn’t seem to actually be the case anymore, but I heavily recall them mentioning some model of truck that was only made there.