I’ve been receiving 3-4 phonecalls per week from call centers where the caller is always Indian and they’re all calling about a special promotion from one of the big three telecom companies.

I actually registered my phone on the no call list from the federal government. I’m not even a customer of the big three. (Videotron in Quebec ftw) So I shouldn’t be receiving these calls. I’ve also asked multiple times not to be called again. But they still call.

Has anyone else had this issue? How did you deal with it?

  • Nurgus@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    How long has your number been on the no-call list? We have a similar thing in the UK but it takes ages to have an effect. Months to a year.

    I deal with the issue by wasting as much of the scam callers time as I can. It seems to be the best way to get my number removed.

    I usually say “I’m Mr Smith’s personal assistant, this sounds like something he should discuss with you. Please hold the line.” And then stick them on mute and forget about it.

    With the right words and intonation you can get some of them to stay on the line for AGES.