credit card companies could lower their APRs in response to a rate cut by the Fed, LendingTree credit analyst Matt Schulz told CBS News, providing some relief for borrowers in the months ahead.
Why in the world would they do that? Has anyone ever seen their credit APR decrease, ever?
Jesus. We could only hope. I just bought a new car and I know it’s not a credit card, but even with my credit score in the 800s and a third of the vehicle price downpayment, the payments are fucking ridiculous at almost $600 all because of APR! I shopped around for financing too.
Maybe I missed something and am an idiot, but that’s what everything was telling me and even after applying with my bank, seeing what the dealer would offer, and checking some other sources, 5.8% was the best I could get.
Why in the world would they do that? Has anyone ever seen their credit APR decrease, ever?
They won’t… This is a fud campaign to get peasants to ask for lower rates since fed ain’t listening to the “market”
Renk seeker always charges “what market can bare”
Get peasants to ask the fed? When has the fed ever given a shit about what peasants say
get a few on teevee crying about CC debt and mortgages, create a narrative that regular folks are suffering due to fed not cutting etc
Jesus. We could only hope. I just bought a new car and I know it’s not a credit card, but even with my credit score in the 800s and a third of the vehicle price downpayment, the payments are fucking ridiculous at almost $600 all because of APR! I shopped around for financing too.
Maybe I missed something and am an idiot, but that’s what everything was telling me and even after applying with my bank, seeing what the dealer would offer, and checking some other sources, 5.8% was the best I could get.