@droopy4096 In addition to this, it’s well-reported now that several American automakers share vehicle acceleration data with insurance companies, so drivers are being monitored without their awareness and could face a hike in insurance fees if they’re detected as being a little too reckless in the passive acceleration data monitoring. I haven’t heard of any non-American automakers doing this. And while the consequences of the “Chinese government shutting down all EVs in NA via some electronic backdoor” are greater than this, one is speculation about the future and the other’s current fact
@droopy4096 In addition to this, it’s well-reported now that several American automakers share vehicle acceleration data with insurance companies, so drivers are being monitored without their awareness and could face a hike in insurance fees if they’re detected as being a little too reckless in the passive acceleration data monitoring. I haven’t heard of any non-American automakers doing this. And while the consequences of the “Chinese government shutting down all EVs in NA via some electronic backdoor” are greater than this, one is speculation about the future and the other’s current fact