• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    Daenerys had to always be talked out of solving problems with Dragonfire. If she didn’t die, it wouldn’t be an ending because we’d be left with a question about whether or not she might someday go Mad Queen.

    The point of the show is that it’s fairly arbitrary who sits on the throne. Robert Baratheon because he won a rebellion, Joffrey because he was supposedly the son of the King (but really wasn’t) his brother because Joffrey was poisoned, then their mother because… well she was an important person that was in the capital. Big army diplomacy, claims based on blood relations to dead people who were previously the monarch, fast army diplomacy… that’s basically a monarchy in a nutshell. It’s really the advisors that run everything so why does it matter who sits on a fancy throne?

    So it’s fitting that it ends with someone on the throne being arbitrary, it’s ultimately what a monarchy is, just some arbitrary person that people agree is the person that site on the throne. And it was the point of the story. It’s all just a silly game the powerful play while the peasants die for because of it.

    None of the decisions were bad, it was just rushed and clumsy. Just people didn’t pay a lot of attention to the fact that Daenerys was using dragonfire to solve her problems more and more. Didn’t pay attention to the fact that who’s on the throne doesn’t much matter, the most important thing is that people agree on whoever it is. Didn’t pay attention to the fact that the prophecy was just some bullshit that made Stanis do horrible things (like burning people alive) and didn’t notice Daenerys was going down the same path I guess they thought she was the real chosen one. People just didn’t pay attention to what the point of the story was, and were disappointed that there was never a real Prince of Light, just a bunch of assholes getting a lot of people killed for their petty game of thrones.