I love this mashup of styles, in which I’m seeing both Mucha, ancient art, ancient architecture and Jordans on the feet!

My only frustration is that try as I might, I haven’t been able to find the original artist. Using reverse-image searches I’ve been able to come up with a couple names, like “Ely Ferreras,” “Samuel Huynh,” and others, but so far it seems like maybe they were just people who shared the art on their social media streams. Or maybe “Ely Ferreras” is actually the name of the subject / piece?

Bahhhh, I don’t know.
Anyway, you’ll get a gold star from me if you can definitively solve the mystery via your internet sleuthing skills. 😀

  • Rolando@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I was also thinking AI-generated. Look at the swirly patterns at the bottom of the woman’s dress, the patterns surrounding the disk, and the “leaves” in the plant design in the lower left-hand corner. That all looks uncanny-valley-ish.