I hate all and every money based questions. Like “Whut wuld u do if $XXXX appeared in your bank account tomorrow?” or “BAM, You’re a millionaire, what would you do with the money?” or “If you had $XXXX, how much would that change your life?”

Like, come on, unless I’m given a large sum - then I won’t answer. It just gets tiring seeing the same old answers of people saying they’d do good wonders to fluff their humbleness or there’s people who’d buy a million rubber balls if given the chance or anything.

  • shadowSprite@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    “Tell me about yourself?”

    “Name one fun fact about you?”

    “What’s something you like to do?”

    Look, I’m in my 30s and I don’t fucking know who I am, I’m the most boring person you’ll ever meet, I’ve never had a true friend in my life and I like to hike and play video games but I never have the energy to hike anywhere cool anymore and saying I like to play video games either makes me look like a loser nerd or makes people want to endlessly talk about video games with me and I just want to be left alone in the corner to be the loser nerd that I am.

    • MarsMa@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Being asocial doesn’t make you a loser. Open-ended questions just suck, and makes the conversation feel like im performing for vaildation.

    • x4740N@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I hate those questions as well becsuse I cannot answer them on the spot and it feels like I was forced to answer them while deep diving through my mind to find an answer

      I hated the few school teachers who asked that

      Writing this also reminded me of that ine high school substitute teacher that assumed what ethnicity you where based on your looks