You really should go to a doctor. Like. really. If it’s common and you don’t have a clear “its this” (like standing up suddenly, or some other condition you know about,) Sudden lightedness that comes and goes could be one of several awful things.
(or it could totally something not scary at all.)
We’re not doctors… (and honestly, it’s not stupid to ask a doctor this. but it is kinda stupid to ask randos on the internet. thats how you wind up snorting ground up leeches or something weird.)
You really should go to a doctor. Like. really. If it’s common and you don’t have a clear “its this” (like standing up suddenly, or some other condition you know about,) Sudden lightedness that comes and goes could be one of several awful things.
(or it could totally something not scary at all.)
We’re not doctors… (and honestly, it’s not stupid to ask a doctor this. but it is kinda stupid to ask randos on the internet. thats how you wind up snorting ground up leeches or something weird.)