What do cell phones look like in the year 2144?

Obviously they won’t have a screen anymore. They’ll be pop-up displays. So if you’re sitting on a train and your romantic partner sends you a steamy selfie…guess who has an audience?

Has this annoyed anyone else?

If they’re tactical screens, that makes sense. But I still don’t think transparent displays on personal devices will be a thing in the future.

  • crunchycircuit@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I imagine it’ll take the form of an impressively tiny device, with the UI (user interface) being projected onto or into your retina(s) as an AR (augmented reality) Overlay of some sort. Privacy would be maintained, and perhaps one can choose to “project“ for others to view, which would then show up in a similar manner in their AR Overlay.

    Perhaps there will be several tiers available at different price points: one, a Google glasses-type AR screen that would sit in front of your eyes, and perhaps a higher tier with more capability in the form of a contact of some sort (like in the Pattinson Batman). Or maybe a DBZ-style scouter if the contact is a little too invasive for you.

    You would control and navigate this interface through a combination of finger touches and gestures in tandem with your gaze, focal distance, and personalized ocular gestures. The finger touches might be picked up by a sensor in the companion wristband. Maybe a roll of the eyes could end a call, or if that seems overly-aggressive, perhaps it could send that one emoji that you use WAY too much, let’s be honest.

    That would be fun.