I would like to know of a community where I can post things that I write to myself. I’m not capable enough to make my own community yet, and I’ve got a lot to say.
My question, though, is about learning. What’s your single most essential defining piece of advice, to share the love of learning? To make someone who isn’t interested, interested?
Other than necessity, I guess. I hope that doesn’t just answer the question.
Learning for the sake of learning is nice, but sometimes it’s nice to learn for the sake of figuring something out.
So, try asking yourself an easy-to-ask question to which you don’t know the answer. Sleep on it. Come up with your own explanation. After a while you may find yourself itching to find out a “proper” answer. The best part is, a lot of questions aren’t completely answered. But you’ll have to do some learning to see which ones.
Yeah I really need an end goal. For example
I want to add solar panels to my house.
Well in researching that I have learned about electricity, solar panels, inverters, roofing, batteries etc…etc…
An interesting thing about learning random things is that the knowledge you acquire will come in handy in unexpected places.
For instance, I learned to play guitar. Then I wrote songs, then I wanted to record the songs to see if they were any good so I learned about recording so then I ended up in a band with other people and recorded a few albums with them, which didn’t go anywhere.
Not long after, people who were aware that I recorded music asked me to help out at a church and I got experience running live audio.
And eventually I moved away so I had to quit and then I ended up having a job where editing audio for training sessions was a part of my job responsibilities and my previous experience with recording albums and running live music prepared me to do a job that paid a hell of a lot more than I was making before which then advanced into another job and another job and all of these random little tidbits of information and skills that I’ve picked up along the way keep becoming crucial to my future successes in ways that I could have never anticipated back when I was learning them to record some dinky guitar.