My phone’s just bitten the dust and now I need to look for a new one again.
Thought I’d test the waters and see what kinds of phones people on here are using nowadays and what for, what features set them apart if any etc
Bonus points if anyone’s managed to get mainline linux running on them either via KVM or bare metal
Edit: Thanks for everyone who talked about their choices of phone, I am now writing this on a fairphone 4 and am quite happy with it so far.
People HATE Apple products here, but I loooove iOS. I fuck around all day on my Linux and Windows machines, I want zero fuck-around-ing on my phone.
I want a great big button that says “MAKE INCREMENTAL ENCRYPTED BACKUP: THE BUTTON”.
I want 50k photos and videos and every text I’ve ever received to not slow my phone down after years of not reformatting.
When I get a new phone, I want to plug it into my computer and immediately have it be the exact same phone as my previous phone.
Yep, I am an IT guy, I just want my phone to work, and so far iOS has been perfect for me.
I love iCloud backups it just works.
I feel that—I find that’s the case for most of my IT friends.
I’d love to use iCloud backups, but I have some… sensitive stuff on my phone, so I stick to local encrypted backups hahaha
I also have some stuff I’d prefer to backup locally, so I have disabled iCloud backups for most of my apps and only really use it for core iOS features, like settings, texts, contacts, and local photo gallery.
Anything else is either manually backed up me or stuff I don’t care about.
All my weird stuff is in photos, but I couldn’t back up 50k photos to iCloud if I tried hahaha
People here just irrationally hate apple, not even just their products. Like yesterday there was a person who was just literally making stuff up to dunk on them. I tried to set them up for a home run (and they could have scrolled down just a little bit for all the info they needed) but the best they could come up with was a feeling they had.
0 though, just irrationally angry.
That’s very in line with what I see here. Very sad, for a group of tech minded individuals. All of my IT friends use Linux desktops and Apple phones because at the end of the day, they don’t wanna fuck with their basic communication/photo device.