If the cops come wipe these guys out after getting buddy buddy with the konvoy last year, I hope the City fucking riots.
Was thinking about that aspect as well.
IMO, this is a legit protest and concern. If it was some billionaire whose body was dumped in the landfill, you can be god-damned sure the place would be searched piece by piece.
Imagine trying to say, it’s out of our control, best we can do is pile more garbage on those remains.
Maybe there is some way to swing it as a indigenous burial ground and have the politicians actually put pressure on investigators to investigate.
I hope the city riots if there is even a mention of physically removing the blockade. Address the real issue.
Look at all the money the Feds spent and are going to spend on those idiots in a sub.
Good. Imagine Canada spent millions searching for a poorly built underwater capsule with a few billionaires on it but can’t be bothered searching a landfill for 2 specific bodies, and quite possibly more. Reconciliation my fucking arse. I hope they get more support and exposure, this has been going on way too long already.
This is about risk to staff doing the work. Its not like flying back and forth to a makeshift flotilla in a patch of remote ocean might have any risks… err… oh wait.
Well put.
Seems about white.